The TERA as a research and development cost more than 40 billion won article,add early 160000 to the top of the openning beta test online players,WOW Gear let the number with South Korea leaders stay the tower of eternal online of 2 months of fierce competition,but in the game for commercial after a month,because of the content,the plugin,professional balance can not perfect factors,the gamebox office" start "the Korean market plunged,now it can only with the heaven 2 and "world of warcraft" over.
Instead,it is worth to pay close attention to Japanese market,the number of players in the game,but after the growth of commercial blowout,even Hangame ZhengXu of representative on the exclamation,Japanese online market with Korea really online market is not the same!Players of the game faithful adaptation is very high. Ice-hot double day,may be Bluehole based on the TERA "han2 fu2 failure,and to optimize the large Japanese,also may be Japan the taste of players and style are different. At present the TERA and said nothing into China,and once in China this game of the republic of Korea will become the new market PK attraction.
South Korea's NHN Corporation to occupy the current gaming market is booming in Japan at full speed into the Japanese market and may send some cheap Tera Account, the company accelerated the speed of the recent games based NHN will expand the variety of local influence in Japan.
According to the relevant industry said, NHN Japan operations "TERA" after the commercial players, and no apparent loss of the phenomenon, on the contrary obtain a good reputation, number of players on the rise. According to informed sources, "TERA" served on the free beta, up to 5 million people online, but after the commercial, there are still 40,000 + players to continue fighting in the game, this figure is rising every week.